Friday, November 25, 2011



Finn did something really mean to Santana - he outted her for being a lesbian.  I think that is very rude of him to do that, because it's not his place to do that.  It's her place to come out of the closet. 

In other news about Finn:  Cory Monteith (Finn) is going to be in Vancouver this weekend!  He is the Grand Marshall for the Grey Cup parade.  I am going to see the parade tomorrow with my friends and hopefully I see him. 

If you met him, what would you say?
I love your show.  And I like you and Rachel together, because you make a cute couple.  I would also want to know if Mr. Shue is a nice guy in real life. 

In this episode he had to walk around in his underwear because of a play they were doing.  I like it!  He looks hot.

I can't wait until next Tuesday to see the next episode of Glee!!!!!!


OK - We found out that Charlie has Gemma in his basement tied up!  Siobhan ordered Charlie to kill her.  I don't like, because I don't trust him.  I think he might kill her.  I like Bridget and Andrew together - she is falling in love with him. 
This is a picture of Bridget and her sponsor from AA.  I forget his name.  But, this guy is the one she can trust.


Ta ta for now!  Talk about stuff next week!


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