Friday, June 8, 2012

Softball and TV and Books


Season 3 of Glee was good, but some of the regulars graduated from high school so we'll have some new people next season.  I makes me feel kind of sad, 'cause I grew to like them.  I'm glad Britney is going to still be on it...and Blaine.  And Arty.  And Tina.  Who else?!?  Mr. Shue.  And his fiance, Emma.  I hope season 4 is going to be good.  Farewell beloved cast members!  Maybe we'll see you...maybe we won't :)

Now I'm going to talk about Pretty Little Liars, season 3.  We learned that Mona is "A" at the end of season 2 and she had people helping her do her crimes.  She would always text the four girls  - it says "A" at the end of each text and no one knew that it was Mona.  She had a few people helping her. 

She looks craaaaazy!

I like Aria and Hannah's new haircuts, because it looks cute.  Here's a picture!

I like their new haircuts.

I feel bad for Emily.  Her girlfriend got killed...probably by "A" AKA Mona.  I am happy that Aria is still dating Mr. Fitz.

Cute couple.
I am going to read the next two books of The Lying Game.  I can't wait for season 2 of The Lying Game to start, because in the finale we found out who Sutton and Emma's mom is!  Her name is Rebecca and she used to be on Buffy, The Vampire Slayer and Angel as Cordelia Chase! 

Now I am going to talk about the Special Olympics tournament I was in last weekend for softball.  We played 4 games and it was good.  This was my first year playing softball and I liked it because it's good exercise and it's good to try new things.  My favourite moment of the weekend was seeing my aunt and uncle and my grandpa - I haven't seen them for a while.  My favourite moment playing softball was when I hit the ball!  I had fun being with my friend, Lindsey, because it was her first year in softball too. 

See you next week, my loyal viewers!



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